The Course

Dissemination and exploitation of results are a vital part of any project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. A well-design dissemination plan is one of the award criteria in grant application. The dissemination plan will be focused on activities to disseminate the outcomes beyond the project. It is required the coordination and collaboration of dissemination activities between all partners involved. Moreover, it is an important tool in order to promote and support the EU vision. A proper dissemination and exploitation of project’s results also increase awareness about opportunities offered by  Erasmus+ Programme, highlighting the European added value of activities supported by such framework.

Also the consortium benefits from this plan. Along with  empowering the profile of the organisations involved, dissemination and exploitation activities often create new opportunities such as broaden the project and its results or enact new partnerships for the future.


The course provides participants with good practices, methods and tools related to dissemination and exploitation of results within a European project. Participants will acquire  knowledge and competences  useful to design and carry out  effective dissemination and exploitation of results activities.


  1. The purpose of dissemination
  2. How to create a dissemination plan
  3. Dissemination, exploitation and communication methods
  4. Creation of Dissemination Material

Free time activity included: visit to Amalfi-coast


  • Recipients: Headmasters, teachers and any other school staff
  • Duration: 6 days
  • Language: English
  • Teaching methods: classroom lectures, group work, workshops
  • Materials and technologies used: LIM, slide, tablet, pc, web
  • Venue: Salerno, Italy
  • Date 1st edition: 28/09/2020 – 02/10/2020
  • Registration end date 1st edition: 11/09/2020
  • Date 2nd edition: 12/04/2021 – 16/04/2021
  • Registration end date 2nd edition: 02/04/2021
  • Price: 420,00 Euro

Essenia UETP is observing all the necessary public health measures in compliance with EU and Italian governments regulations to combat the spread of Covid-19. Our courses are thus transferred online in distance learning mode providing virtual mobility. We are preparing to resume in-class lessons, when the emergency will end. Tuition-fee and course duration change based on online course delivery method:

Online course Duration: 20 hours per 5 days, 4 hours per day, from Monday to Friday.

Online course Fee: € 350,00

Any updates will be immediately communicated on our channels and by e-mails to the participants.

  • If a schedule-change is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will consider any participants request.