The Course

The constant evolution of teaching approaches need to be supported by a wide range of innovative methodologies. Application  of teaching methods and approaches that suit  learners’ needs best,  furthering a more collaborative learning environment, can improve the process of knowledge, helping to motivate students.

Flipped classroom teaching model is an innovative pedagogical teaching and learning strategy  that reverses the traditional learning environment, impacting both group-study and self-study, flipping the activities carried out during class-time at school and studying at home: lessons become a homework at home using online educational materials such as videos and other e-learning resources; self-study takes place in the classroom through collaborative activities, debates and workshops. In this context, the teacher becomes a “guide”  who encourages students toward personal research and collaboration; flipping the classroom lets students become an active part of the educational process.


The course  is for any teacher who wants to acquire flipped classroom techniques, an innovative teaching methodology, that actively involved students in knowledge acquisition and construction rather than being remit to the teacher for feedback.

Essenia UETP has partnered on partner of the Erasmus + KA2 project “IN.TE.M.I.S.“. The project topic was about innovative teaching, namely the Flipped Classroom methodology. Essenia UETP gain in this sense expertise in the field and it is therefore highly qualified for providing trainings on this topic.


  1. Re-design the learning-process with ICT tools and Internet 
  2. Flipped-Learning : the flipped class
  3. Tools and resources useful to flipped classrooms
  4. Evaluation method in flipped classroom

Free time activity included: visit to Amalfi-coast


  • Recipients: Headmasters, teachers and any other school staff
  • Duration: 6 days
  • Language: English/Italian
  • Teaching methods: classroom lectures, group work, workshops
  • Materials and technologies used: LIM, slide, tablet, pc, web
  • Venue: Salerno, Italy
  • Date 1st edition:  8/06/2020 – 12/06/2020
  • Registration end date 1st edition: 30/05/2020
  • Date 2nd edition:  14/12/2020 – 18/12/2020
  • Registration end date 2nd edition: 04/12/2020
  • Price: 420,00 Euro

Essenia UETP is observing all the necessary public health measures in compliance with EU and Italian governments regulations to combat the spread of Covid-19. Our courses are thus transferred online in distance learning mode providing virtual mobility. We are preparing to resume in-class lessons, when the emergency will end.

Tuition-fee and course duration change based on online course delivery method:

Online course Duration: 20 hours per 5 days, 4 hours per day, from Monday to Friday

Online course Fee: € 350,00

Any updates will be immediately communicated on our channels and by e-mails to the participants.

If a schedule-change is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will consider any participants request.